At New England PVA, we seek to promote an accessible, barrier free environment for all veterans and people with disabilities. Access to public building and structures should be a fundamental right – and requires architectural design that makes public and private buildings, structures, entrances and other facilities wheelchair accessible.

PVA on-staff architects are experts in accessible design

Paralyzed Veterans of America is the only veterans organization with on-staff architects that provide design assistance to veterans. Paralyzed Veterans’ architects are specialized in accessible design and have extensive experience in all aspects of architecture. We are also strong advocates for accessible design in architecture and construction industries. Paralyzed Veterans’ architecture team helps to develop building codes and standards for the entire nation.

Equal access for everyone living with disabilities – including veterans

With the unique design knowledge of Paralyzed Veterans Architects, many public buildings, stadiums, courthouses, memorials, and other structures are made more accessible and enjoyable by the public – providing equal access to all. PVA is proud of their services to veterans – and to all people living with disabilities. PVA also offers resources and support when planning home design and renovations, including wheelchair accessible home plans in our publication Accessible Home Design, 2nd Edition.

Through our sponsors and supporters, New England PVA continues to strive to enhance the quality of life for all people living with a spinal cord injuryspinal cord disorders, and anyone with mobility impairments.

For more information contact PVA Architecture at: (202) 416-7645 or

Accessibility and Mobility Resources

Accessible Housing Resources