Kayak Outing by Gaylord Sports Association

Experience the freedom of the open water during a Sports Association’s Adaptive Kayak Outing. Kayak Outings are for individuals who have participated and passed the Sports Association’s Kayak Classes and would like to take their skills to the next level, or just enjoy an outdoor kayak experience. Outings include all the necessary equipment and guidance from both American Canoe Association certified instructors and Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists. Outings are offered during the summer months. This outing will take place on saltwater out of Lighthouse Point in New Haven.  Kayaking is not only a great fitness activity, it’s an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, socialize, watch for wildlife, relax and just have fun! There is a $10 fee for kayak outings payable when registering. Essential eligibility also applies so please call the Sports Association at 203-284-2772 for more information!

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