The Competition

Across the country each year, Veterans enrolled at VA health care facilities compete in a local creative arts competition. The competition includes categories in the visual arts division that range from oil painting to leatherwork to paint-by-number kits. In addition, there are categories in writing as well as the performing arts of dance, drama, and music. Local creative arts competition first place winning entries advance to a national judging process and first, second, and third place entries in each category are determined. Selected gold-medal-winning Veterans are invited to attend the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival hosted by a different VA facility each year.

VA Facility Participation

Be sure to check with your VA facility as early as November in order to meet their deadline date for submission of entries into the local competition. For information regarding entering the 2021 competition, please reach out to the recreation/creative arts therapy staff at the VA facility in which you are enrolled.

If you need assistance in identifying a VA staff person from your facility or to request a 2021 competition handbook, please email Amy Kimbler at The 2021 National Veterans Creative Arts competition rules and categories will be ready for distribution in November.


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