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New England PVA Legislative Advocacy Program
New England PVA’s advocacy efforts focus on the needs of paralyzed veterans and their families. Our work directly impacts the larger veteran and disability communities as well.

New England PVA has strong working relationship with other veteran and disability organizations. We seek to build coalitions to tackle the issues impacting the lives of our members. On occasion, New England PVA will support litigation that involves defending the civil rights of its members and people with disabilities. For example, New England PVA filed a lawsuit against the Fleet Center in Boston to secure seating for people who use wheelchairs and their companions which have sight lines that are comparable to the general public’s. New England PVA also filed an official complaint with the Access Board in Washington DC against GSA because the newly constructed Federal Courthouse in Boston was not built fully accessible, as is required by law.

New England PVA also routinely meets with federal, state, and local policymakers to discuss legislation that directly impacts the lives of our members. We have worked hard to pass laws on issues pertaining to specially adaptive housing, issuances of handicapped plates and placards, sufficient disabled parking at various facilities, curb cuts, accessible transportation services, and accessible polling facilities. We believe that paralyzed veterans must have a voice in the development of legislation that affects the quality of their lives. Please let us know if you would be willing to help our legislative efforts by sharing your experiences with elected officials.
For More Information
If you have any questions about New England PVA’s Advocacy Program or have legislative issues to bring to our attention, please feel free to contact our Government Relations Director Kristen McCone Gordon anytime at kristen@pvanewengland.org or 800-660-1181.